Healing Hearts Yoga Marketing

We started a wellness movement for community based healing.

Program Partners


The Healing Hearts program brought together a group of local businesses with a shared mission: to help our neighbors find healing after the challenges of the pandemic. Through this unique collaboration, we pooled expertise from different wellness backgrounds to offer a holistic approach to well-being. 

Spring Retreat

  • Vinyasa Yoga
  • Sound Bathing
  • Healing with Horses
  • Journaling
  • Nature Walks
  • Healthy Lunch

Summer Series

  • Restorative Yoga
  • Group Reflection
  • Healing with Horses

Fall Retreat

  • Vinyasa Yoga
  • Sound Bathing
  • Healing with Horses
  • Journaling
  • Healthy Lunch

Social Media Promotion

Spring Retreat
Partner Feature
Summer Series
Fall Retreat

Wellness Program

Community Collaboration

Together, we aimed to provide a supportive space for adults on their journey to recovery, fostering resilience and wellness in our community.


Watercolors soften the vibrant High Hopes brand colors. We aimed to encourage people to get outside and enjoy the 127-acre property in this rejuvenating experience.

Social Media

Social media posts were created and shared for each wellness partner post on their social channels to maximize awareness and encourage existing followers to sign up.

Print Marketing

We strategically placed printed flyers in both clinical and community gathering locations across the shoreline to reach our target audience and introduce them to our new program.

Program Marketing

Community Flyers

We added a QR code to make it easier for people to access the High Hopes Therapeutic Riding participant registration form. We also provided options for email and phone registration to accommodate everyone’s unique communication preferences and technical abilities.

